Sunday, April 3, 2011

Green Pea/Avocado Guacamole

I hesitate to label this "guacamole", considering our usual recipe consists of 4-5 avocados and the guacamole is split between TWO people in my house.  Real guacamole is the only REAL guacamole, let's face it.

But we only had 1 avocado in the house and I remembered seeing this recipe to make a lower fat version, which I will kindly refer to as "dip", since it can not truly be guacamole, no matter how hard it tries.

10 oz bag of FROZEN green peas, cooked and then cooled (do not blend these while hot)
1 avocado

In a small blender (I use a Ninja), blend COLD peas and avocado flesh until smooth
Pour into a bowl and spoon in a few tablespoons of your favorite salsa, 1 TBSP lime juice, garlic powder to taste and some salt

Serve with chips and make a note to buy more avocados the next time you're at the store! 

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